07896 529 229

07896 529 229
Who are Vibes?

The founder of VIBES & MINDS

VIBES & MINDS was set up in 2019 by Debs Clark.

Debs has a BA (hons) degree in Neurodiversity, Childhood & Youth Studies - this covers areas in psychology, neuroscience, attachment, health, education, working with families, play therapy, counselling, and diversity within communities.

She then completed her Mental Health first aid qualification enabling her to identify with children and recognise those who are most at risk of mental health disorders. This then led her into qualifying at UK Yoga Alliance, which allows her to teach and train others in mindfulness; yoga, breathing work, meditation, and relaxation.

She is currently completing her CBT; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which will help her provide children and adults in a form of psychotherapy that focusses on how thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect feelings and behaviours - she never stops studying!


She started out on her professional journey in Mental Health & Wellbeing in 2011, bringing all her professional and life experiences together to create VIBES & MINDS.

Her drive was through having faced life challenges herself and wanting to share her knowledge with children and families. She understood neurodiversity, bullying, trauma and anxiety and the effects that this has on a person and those around them.

She understands how and what affects our self-esteem, our beliefs and she wants children to understand their own being and to encourage them to be the best form of them self as they can be!

What really helped her was her experience in mindfulness in her early 20s, it was when she was travelling in Asia - Thailand was a place she fell in love with mindfulness and Buddhism. She continues her teachings on mindfulness and Buddhism, which has helped her through her own life experiences and has affected some of her teachings through VIBES & MINDS.

This is where her love of mindfulness and positive mental attitude thrives using techniques to help us feel the calm by using mindfulness; breathing work, mediation, relaxation, yoga and PMA.

Debs is married and has two children and understands the challenges that parenting can bring. Debs has had to adapt and advocate for her children. Having to help and support them through challenging times in their young lives.

One of her children has spent the past couple of years in and out of hospital due to respiratory problems and was diagnosed with Coeliac disease at age 6. Her daughter has been going through years of pain, due to the severity of the disease and damage caused to her body, she is now adjusting to the disease and has regular check-ups, which she will have to work through throughout her life.

She is also an advocate for her other child who is Neurodiverse and completely understands the struggles that your child goes through and the effects this has on the family environment.

She says “It has been very challenging and painful to watch her children go through their life challenges at such a young age – it can be heart breaking at times; but they have to look for the silver lining in all of this and empower themselves with awareness, support & LOADS OF LOVE x”

This is why her profession & passion is so meaningful - SHE GETS IT!

She believes that all children need to be taught the understanding of their own Mental Health & Wellbeing - as we say here at VIBES & MINDS “it is all about prevention and then intervention”.

Her life experiences and professional qualifications led her to create VIBES & MINDS and the 3 main concepts “Brain-Mind-Body” which she is truly passionate about.

“VIBES & MINDS is the missing piece of the puzzle”

This is why we believe in prevention - teaching children from a young age about their Mental Health & Wellbeing. This will place them in a stronger position within their life’s journey and in society.

We believe that for children to learn and to really want to learn you must engage in their worlds. Therefore, we are child-led and why it is so important to connect with the child first, to work through art, music and games to encourage the connection for a child to feel comfortable to open up.

This is when the learning begins and believe us, they really do want to learn and open up!

“It is ALL about the CHILD” we can’t just expect a child to open up to complete stranger - can we?!

Connection is key!

This is where the VIBES & MINDS Concepts works….

BRAIN = they learn about their main function in their body the functionality of the brain, psychology, neuroscience, genetics, and disorders.

MIND = emotions, feelings, behaviours, and positive mental attitude.

BODY = how all of the above affect’s signs and symptoms.

Building a stronger and more prepared YOU. Talking and opening up has never been easier for a child and their family.

It’s a collaborate approach that works with THEIR WHOLE BEING, connecting each part of themselves together!

We believe here at VIBES & MINDS learning about our Brain-Mind-Body is key to enable children to want to talk and learn, children love to learn, and they learn best through play and connection, allowing them to open up to their feelings ready to want to learn techniques to help them master their wellbeing.

Debs is DBS registered and we are fully insured.


Copyright @ vibesandminds

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